Monday, April 29, 2013

stream of consciousness

a stream of consciousness, brought to you by the brain of jackie servideo. 

hallelujah praise the lord on highhhh!! SPRING HAS SPRUNG IN UPSTATE NY!!!. 
no more of that!! 
natural vitamin d makes me giddy like a soccer mom likes her new minivan. 

i made oatmeal chocolate chip cookies from here to send to my friend erinn, (for her birthday) who deserted me for a                            higher education. 

i made the first batch at 9'o clock and forgot to put oatmeal in. good job, jackie!! 
then i redid them and they were fantastic. i love a cake-y cookie. 

when i was at the post office sending them off, the clerk asked if there were any "flammables, explosives, illegal substances..." and i replied "nope just cookies!" he did not crack even the slightest smirk. 

my coworker got the fits in the palm of your hand!! so soft and fluffy and cute.
i hate to say it but it might even be cuter then my chubby boy. 
i can't decide. also the camera adds ten pounds. 

i wrote a kick a$& paper for my ethics class. five glorious pages about adoption, one of my favorite topics. i just know that God will use me someday in the hard, beautiful, god-glorifying process. 

i need to use my big girl camera more often. i need some subjects. 
this little chick make a great one. 
but my fave subjects ever are thousands of miles away. 
love her. love the smile. love red dirt. 

a man at my church sang the song below. if you're in the mood to cry. listen. 

happy monday!
(i secret love monday's, love a good fresh start.) 

Monday, April 22, 2013

former habitat.

happy birthday to the woman who's uterus was once my habitat, endured 13 hours of labor to bring me into this world and reminds me of it daily, and raised me with just enough dysfunction to make me funny!! 

the middle child

artificially colored bread.

a few weeks ago i saw this sweet video on youtube...

i thought it was wicked, to say the least, and was thinking of the best time/event to make this despite my fear of excessive food coloring (yet my fave cupcake is red velvet:). i ended up making it in a pinch for this bake sale my art class was having to raise money and there would be a prize for the most artistic. i enjoy wining and competing, especially with a food competition sign me up! 

i make the shiz and it comes out like every food bloggers should...

enjoy my real life. 

Happy Monday!!


a week and a half late but...
               I PASSED MY ROAD TEST!!!!

it feels so good to have near complete independence!! and i'm a road trip aficionado so now ill finally be the one to do the driving!!! the first place I drove to by myself was a pitstop to  Starbucks while on the way to church! 

(the product)

(the aftermath) 

God basically did the legwork for me I was pretty nervous even though I was totes ready, i just get the benefits now! 
And thanks to my amazing friends that prayed for me!! 

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

quote tuesday!

if you think you are too small to make a difference, you haven't spent a night with a mosquito. 
-African Proverb

(praying with some of my favorite teenages ever before building a community garden in a government run housing village)

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Happy Sunday!

 Is it just me or does this verse make God sound like a mobster that shops at the mens big and tall section? What? 

Thursday, April 11, 2013

birthday/easter re-cap!

on march 31 i made my 18 revelation around the sun. 

                                                          (no, i'm not wearing a wig, i also eat the same)
or i turned 18. and it was on easter!! and it was one of the best birthdays i've ever had! 

my birthday weekend started with going out for an uhMAZING waffle breakfast with my mom in this adorable waffle and coffee restaurant and ran and unneeded red light. addicted to read the second Hunger Games book, Catching Fire. Each chapter leaves off on such a cliff hanger, it is a perfect book club book! celebrated a little at work that night and on my saturday morning shift. blessed with a sweet place to work. Later on Saturday, there was a young adult Easter service with baptisms that I balled at. met my main girls there who were home on spring break!! we reunited (minus my other bestie who was ill) and complemented each others hair as always. we went out to my favorite thai place for curry while dressed in an a plastic birthday tiara and sash. when the host asked if it was my birthday i said no. what?! you don't wear plastic tiaras on saturdays?! you're missing out! kidding. we lost approximately 10 pounds laughing and raving over how delicious our food was. when the resturant sang "happy birthday"to me it sounded similar to the below minus the crying mom and the duck. 

Hung drove around while "singing" "Call Me Maybe," and since i turned 18, the legal age to get permenant body markings, we all took the classy route and got OneDirection ones from the dollar store. 

                                                              man, i love my girls. <3

On my actual birthday, on easter, I celebrated the greatest event in history singing "death, where is your victory, hell, where is your sting, church, stand in the LIGHT!" 

best meme ever. 

I went out with my friend Maryann and she fed my the spiciest Guyanese curry ever. there was a small italian easter dinner at my house. my family's kinda the definition of classy and dysfunctional. like when we let our dogs eat at the table. 

my nonny is pretty cute though. 

blessed beyond measure. curry, jesus, friends, books. tis' a good birthday weekend. these kinds of posts is sorta why I blog, to remember memories, when i write, i remember.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Quote Tuesday!!

"the two most important days in your life are the day you were born and the day you figured out why."
        -Mark Twain 

Happy Quote Tuesday, joyful ones!!!!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

sweet bits journal- march

everyday before i go to sleep i write down the best part of my day. in helps keep things in perspective and everyday might not be pure unicorns and rainbows but there is something good in e v e r y d a y. 
`march 1- much needed mental health day. made peanut butter pretzel brownies. 
`march 2- Went to one of my fave restaurants with my nonny. satisfied my taco salad craving. 
`march 3- church fun, my friend, Jessie, gave my a dress, with to the craft store with my ma and scored. 
`march 4- made the entire home and careers class, laugh, at my obnoxious fox story.
`march 5- noon dismissal, i love you. 
`march 6- life groups made my crappy day much better and we ate guyanese curry together. 
`march 7- olive garden with my co-workers. i love my job. 
`march 8- snow day. thank the LORD! 
`march 9- worked a double, cleaned, crafted and shopped with my ma. #productive
`march 10-fun church day, realized as i was nodding off to sleep that i forgot to do an essay. fun times.
`march11- my mother picked my up from school with a cupcake. 
`march 12- almost cried while watching the bachelor. that's a problem. it's classy sister wives.  
`march 13- loved life groups. ate lie pig
`march 14- late night thearpy, i mean target run with my ma. scored big. made banana chocolate chip bread at 10 PM.
`march 15-brought in my banana bread to work like a good italian girl does.     
`march 16- saved/signed up to die 5 years ago today. God, you are good. 
`march 17- brought my aunt to church with my today. had an lol fest with a text banter with my bestie. 
`march 18- failed my road test and sobbed like spongebob in the episode with his grandma and the cookies but listening to this song lifts my up big time. 

                         Spongebob GIFS | Crying GIFS
`march 19-snowday. thank you jesus. addicted to the hunger games. 
`march 20- went to one of my fave restaurants with my ma. ate like a barbarian. 
`march 21- my one friend presh and and I love to vox eachother. we had a good feed going today!! so grateful for friends. 
`march 22- no school. prayed that god would help me find a replacement or work tomorrow so i can go to my friends birthday shindig. walk into work with a cover. boom. 
`march 23- sweet babysitting gig. besties birthday dinner was a grand time. 
`march 24- preschool kids church today. did resurrection rolls with them. they seemed to get it for a bit but then they were all "so jesus melted?" great. MY COLLEGE BESTIES ARE HOME!! #sociallife
`march 25- finished the first hunger games book. soooo good. props suzanne collins.
`march 26- had a driving lesson that i was super bitter about going to and then the teacher, who goes to my church, gives me two more lessons for free, and moves up my road test. yesssss. 
`march 27- rockin' quiet time with the King of Kings. 
`march 28- mother took me out of school extra early to start break. immediately proceeded to the library to get the 2nd hunger games book. 
`march 29- birthday weekend begins. went to this new and AMAZING waffle place for breakfast. 
`march 30- even more AMAZING easter service. then the best best best time having a birthday dinner with my main girls. 
`march 31- {birthday/resurrection day}- another amazing easter service with water baptisms. cried just like the above meme at them. then hung out with a new friend and had a small easter dinna with family.   

the time i failed my road test

Last week I failed my long awaited road test. I legit cried for about two days. I was pathetic. ughhh. Anything to do with the DMV gives me severe PTSD. Most things in life even the deep, heavy things I just seem to get though by laughing at. Here begins this post. I wake up the morning of my test do my normal minimal morning rituals, minimal because I loathe mornings, it's getting late/I lose track of time and I realize my mom isn't up. Gah, we have to be at the DMV in 10-13ish minutes and we live about the same time away from  it. We floor it all the way down there. Finally get there, just in the nick of time, stand in the perpetual line and I say to the teller, giddy as ever, "I'm here for my road test!" she replies "no ma'am we don't do them here," then I correct her naively "No, not a permit, a road test!" she spits back "Yeah, you take them on such and such an avenue" and hand me a sheet with directions. After that statement spilled out of her mouth she I turn my head to my mom holding back tears and wanting to scream. We hop back in the car and begin following the confusing directions and get lost (within our own hometowns) approximately 587 times.  We , My mother, speeds, make u-turns on a no u-turn highway, and weave on the highway during rush hour, she really goes beyond the call of duty to get me there. After a million and a half circles and dozens of tears, we find it because of the driving school car, waiting in line. The driving school car belonged to this cool, youth volunteers at my church, he gives me a few pointers while I wait. Finally take my test and act cool as cucumber but totally nervous on the inside, aced parallel parking and K-turns! I finish and when she utters the words "well you didn't pass" I'm shocked and didn't believe her either mind you I've been know to be the "most persuasive person" according to my friend Mahadhi so I lightly try to sweet talk her but didn't take it. oy. So I failed. But got some lessons for FREE from that driving school and was able to move my test up way earlier than the two month wait I would have had to the through the DMV!! #bodyofchristswag

"For we know that God works for the GOOD of those who love him and are called according to his purpose" Romans 8:28 

God's got his girl.